Below you can read extracts from the Allhallows School Log Book which refer to George Moore and in bold type events taking place in The George Moore Memorial Hall. This list of extracts was kindly compiled by local amateur historian, Mick Jane. Click here to read press reports of some events that took place within the Memorial Hall in times past.
George Moore’s Memorial Hall
1893 Nov. 3rd Friday 1893
Exhibition of Industrial Art held in the George Moore Memorial Hall during the
1894 June 12th – Tuesday
Mr. Parkin-Moore's Tea Party at Memorial Hall-Sunday School.
1895 Aug. 26th Monday
This day commenced a Penny Bank taking over the deposits of the “Memorial
Hall Sunday School Penny Bank”- A number of the children brought deposits.
Dear Sir
We are having our tea this afternoon for the children in connection with the
Memorial Hall Sunday School, and as many of them don’t want to miss their
attendance at school would you kindly let them out earlier, we have fixed for them
meeting at the Hall about 3 o’clock. If you can do so I shall esteem it a great favour.
I am Sir your faithfully
W. Parkin
1908 Nov. 2nd
Cookery Class for girls commenced this afternoon at the George Moore
Memorial Hall. 18 present.
1910 Feb. 23rd
Left school at charge of Mr. Charters to attend an inquest at the
Memorial Hall and returned at 1.50p.m.
1912 May 13th
Received from Mr. H. Studholme Cartmell, Clerk of the Governors of the George
Moore Education Trust, 50 copies of the Regulations of the Mary Mitchell
Scholarship for distribution among eligible children.
1913 Aug. 11th
Received notice from George Moore Education “Trust” that Cicely Clara Rickerby
had been granted a Mary Mitchell Scholarship of Ten pounds.
1915 Aug. 9th
Received notice that Matthew Head and Thomas Temple had been awarded Mary
Mitchell Scholarships of Five pounds a year for three years, and also that Wilfred
Graham Hewson as proxime accessed in the George Moore Exhibition Exam.
1918 Aug. 1st
Received notice that Joseph C. Temple has been awarded a Mary Mitchell
Scholarship of Ten pounds a year for three years by the George Moore Education
1919 July 30th
Received notice that Margaret Elliot has been awarded a Mary Mitchell Scholarship
of twelve pounds a year, and that the Scholarship held by Joseph Temple and Nancy
Strong have each been increased to £12 a year.
1920 Aug. 16th
Notice has been received that Martha Strong has been awarded a County Minor
Scholarship. Walter Steele and Jonathon Temple Free places at Nelson School and
Alfred Stalker a Mary Mitchell Scholarship of £12 a year.
1921 July 23rd
A Mary Mitchell Scholarship of £12 a year has been awarded by the George Moore
Educational Trust to Elizabeth Elliot.
1923 June 19th
Closed school at 3p.m to allow the children to go to an exhibition on Palestine
with lecture in the Memorial Hall.
1924 Aug. 18th
Received notice that John Newlands has been awarded a Mary Mitchell Scholarship.
1933 Oct. 3rd
First meeting of the Domestic Science Class will be held today at the Memorial
Hall, Mealsgate. Sixteen names have been sent to the Domestic Science Teacher,
(Miss Evens). Fourteen of these girls are present this morning.
1937 Aug. 16th
During the holidays I was informed that Elizabeth C. Bird had been awarded a George
Moore Scholarship, and that Joan E. Bryson had been awarded the Mary Mitchell
1941 July 21st
Notified by the Clerk to the Governors of the George Moore Education Trust that
Joseph Y. Fisher has been awarded a George Moore Scholarship.
1949 Dec. 20th
The School Concert was held in the Memorial Hall at 7p.m. before a large and
appreciative audience.
Nov. 23rd Seniors scholars under Mr Johnston visited the mansion of Whitehall in
connection with Local Studies
Dec. 22nd
A successful school concert was held in Memorial Hall last night. Proceeds
amounted to just over £5 being added to School Funds.
1952 Dec. 17th
School Concert was held in Memorial Hall and was a big success. An amount of
£14 added to the school fund.
1953 Dec. 16th
School concert was held in Memorial Hall tonight and realised almost £10 for the
school funds.
1955 Jan. 12th
The postponed School Concert was held this evening in the Memorial Hall,
realising almost £7.
Dec. 16th
Annual School Concert will be held in Memorial Hall tonight at 7p.m. £9.0.6
proceeds in aid of School Funds.
1957 July 8th
Heard and later confirmed by phoning P.C. Forrester, the tragic news, that a boy in
the Senior class due to leave after the summer holidays had been
found hanging by the neck in one of the barns on the farm where he lives. It was
presumed that this fatal accident occurred on Sunday afternoon when he was playing
by himself in the barn.
Two police officers visited me in the School to build up a picture of the last few weeks
in the boy's life. I was the only person questioned and could recall no reason,
incident, observation on even rumour which could have any bearing on the tragic
No child in School was questioned by the police or was any request made to do so.
I made out a brief report on the boys attainment and general conduct in school for the
attention of the Governor.
With three Senior boys and three Senior girls I attended the funeral at Wigton
I attended the Inquest held at 3p.m. at the Memorial Hall, Mealsgate.
The Jury brought in a verdict of accidental death.
It was stressed by the Medical specialist how easily a paralysed? state can set in
if pressure is put about the base of the neck, so much so that no attempt can be
made to help oneself. This he pointed out had caused the death of many young
children, and the death of many adolescents who may have been experimenting
without any intention of taking their own life.
I asked permission to make this known to the school children as it increased the
danger from rope playing.
1959 June 26th
The day has been given as an occasional holiday by the Managers-as George Moore
Day, to commemorate the founder of this school and benefactor to this and the
neighbouring Parish of Bolton Gate. George Moore born at Mealsgate and later lived
at Whitehall. It is hoped to be this Day every year.
Oct 3rd
The Mary Mitchell Award has been granted to Robert Michael Rumney now at
Nelson Thomlinson School.
George Moore has also been awarded to him for one year, and to be considered for
future years.
1960 July 14th
The following day 15th July was given as a holiday in commemoration of George Moore.
1961 July 21st
School Prize Giving:- Prizes come from Managers Fund, “George Moore”, Brook
Bond Prizes given, Masters Prize given by the Headmaster. The Managers Prize is
now to be taken from the Moore Fund and will be known as-The Allhallows Merit
Prize. This year it was awarded to Margaret Scott. The Masters Prize went to Keith
Irving as a mark of progress he has been making.
The Prizes were presented by Mrs Rigg the wife of the Vicar.
Marion Armstrong was recommended for the Mary Mitchell Award.
1963 July 17th
This day was taken as a holiday-George Moore Day.
1970 May 8th
Both Scout and Brownie Packs flourishing, George Moore Memorial Hall to be
their base.
1979 June 14th
Music Workshop-based on the Ballad of Whitehall and Harby Brow.
1984 March 22nd
A.S.A. meeting-money raised by A.S.A. functions to go to buy a Belling Baby Cooker
to be used by Infants, Juniors and nursery.
(A.S.A.-Allhallows School Association)