Extracts from the Minute Book transcribed by Mick Jane

George Moore Memorial Hall


March 27th 1888.

Meeting of Committee held preparatory to the Halfyearly Meeting.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Elliott, Penn, Wilkinson and Potter.

A Balance Sheet was prepared to be submitted to the General Meeting.

The attendance of Members was fairly good and more interest was manifested by those present than ordinarily.

Tom P. Martin


June 25th 1888

The ordinary Quarterly Meeting was held. The attendance was poor and but few to buy the newspapers.

The interest of the Members being confined mostly to the Flower Show.

Tom P. Martin


September 10th 1888.

Committee Meeting.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Walker, Penn, Barnes and Elliott.

Resolved. That the Bagatelle be repaired.

Resolved. That enquiries be made respecting the Stove.

It was agreed that the Halfyearly Meeting be held October 1st.

The Committee having considered the Finances it was agreed to discontinue the Weekly payment to the Caretaker at the end of this Quarter. He was informed of the decision and to consider the matter in time for the Quarterly Meeting. Tom P. Martin


October 2nd 1888

Committee Meeting.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Walker, Barnes and Elliott.

Robert Ashbridge having tendered his resignation of Caretaker.

Resolved. That the same be accepted.

Moved by Mr. Barnes, seconded by J. Walker and carried unanimously. That it be made as public as possible by the Committee applications will be received up to October 8th, for the office of Caretaker.

Tom P. Martin


October 8th 1888

Committee Meeting.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Elliott, Potter, Reay, Penn and Walker.

Six applications received.

Michael Graham receiving the majority of Ballot votes. He was accordingly elected.

Quarterly Meeting was held afterwards, when three Members were elected to serve on the Committee of Management.

The three retiring Members were J. Penn, Jos. Wilkinson and W. Elliott.

There being no other nominations the above three were duly elected without opposition.

Tom P. Martin.


Committee Meeting held November 6th 1888.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Reay, Penn, Barnes, Elliott and Walker.

Michael Graham having taken charge as Custodian he reported that certain articles were required, as well as repairs needed.

Resolved. That the articles required be purchased by the Secretary and that the repairs be attended to.

A New Stove was also ordered to be put in the Lecture Hall.

The Caretaker suggested certain matters as to his work etc. It was agreed that the Committee reconsider the new agreement to be drawn up.

Adjourned Meeting of the Committee held November 10th 1888

Present. Messrs. Martin, Barnes, Penn, Walker and Elliott.

The suggestions and alterations as found in the Revised Agreement were submitted to the Caretaker and he agreed to the same. The Secretary was instructed to prepare the amended Agreement for signatures.

Tom P. Martin.


Committee Meeting held December 11th 1888.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Penn, Barnes, Elliott, Potter, Walker, Wilkinson and Lattimer.

Unanimously resolved that the Secretary draw up and forward a letter of condolences to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. George Moore.

Resolved. That the Quarterly Meeting be held on Saturday the 29th Inst.

Vote of Condolence to the family and relatives of the late Mrs. George Moore.

Copy of Resolution.

"The Committee of the George Moore Memorial Hall, desire to put on record their deep sense of the great loss this Institution has sustained by the death of Mrs. George Moore.

Her deep yet tender sympathy, together with that lively interest always displayed in promoting and extending the philanthropic and charitable works carried on conjointly with her revered husband, has since his lamented death, been not only continued but in this Institution established to perpetuate his memory, a new field of labour was opened for advancing still more the social, moral, and intellectual evaluations of the Inhabitants of this neighbourhood in which Mrs. Moore has always [evined??] the deepest personal interest.

Whilst bowing submissively to the will of Him who doeth all things well, The Committee in offering their sincere condolence would seek for the bereaved relatives the same consolation of Him who wept with the sorrowing sisters at Bethany."

Tom P. Martin


December 29th 1888

Committee Meeting held preparatory to the Quarterly Meeting.

A Statement of Accounts was drawn up to be submitted.

Also the Vote of Condolence and reply to it from Mrs. Weston was also considered and agreed to be read to the Members at the Quarterly Meeting.

Attendance fairly good.

A suggestion was offered by Mr. Martin the Chairman that some steps be taken to effect, if possible a greater interest among the Members.

Complaints being frequently made respecting the inequalities of the Newspapers. It was agreed by the Committee to allow the matter to stand over for two or three weeks to see if the inequalities can be remedied.

The Caretaker signed the amended Agreement and Mr. Martin for the Committee.

Tom P. Martin


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