Extracts from the Minute Book transcribed by Mick Jane

George Moore Memorial Hall


January 11th 1883

A Special Meeting of the Committee was held at 7.15pm. The following under named Trustees were present:- Sir Wilfred Lawson, Mrs. George Moore and Mr. Thomas Moore. Members of the Committee present:- Messrs. Martin, Banks, Barnes, Penn and Newbold.

The Trustees on the motion of Mrs. George Moore seconded by Mr. Thomas Moore elected Mr. John Dalton as Trustee into the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. William Parkin.

On the motion of Mr. Martin seconded by Mr. Penn, the Committee appointed Mr. John Dalton President of the Institution.

Sir Wilfred Lawson afterward delivered his lecture on "The House of Commons" to a large and appreciative audience. Mr. Dalton in the Chair.

Tom P. Martin

5th Feb. 1883

Ordinary Meeting of Committee held on Monday February 5th 1883.

Present:- Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Banks, Newbold and Lattimer.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. J. Wilson, Draper, Maryport made an application for the use of the Lecture Hall for March 16th and 17th. Application granted.

Certain slight repairs were them pointed out to Mr. Lattimer to attend to i.e. The Spouts, The Windows etc.

Mr. Potter undertook to see Mr. Thomas Moore in reference to the balance of the Building a/cs due from him to the Trustees of the late Mr. Parkin.

The Sec. intimated that Mr. G.F. Brown had kindly volunteered to give a Concert of Sound of Sacred Music for the benefit of the Hall. Offer accepted. The Sec. to carry out the necessary arrangements.

John Dalton


Monday March 7th 1883

Ordinary Meeting of Committee held.

Members present:- Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Penn, Potter and Newbold.

The Minutes of previous Meeting read and confirmed.

The Secretary reported that the Treasurer Mr. Potter had received a cheque from Mr. Thomas Moore value £9.2.11. The account due to the Building Fund he had kindly promised to pay. The same having been paid by the late Mr. Wm. Parkin. The above cheque had been handed over to Mr. Dalton to pay the Trustees of the late Mr. Parkin.

Tom P. Martin.

April 2nd 1883

Committee (prior to the Quarterly) Meeting of Members when a Balance Sheet was prepared to submit at the Quarterly Meeting.

The Committee for carrying out the Flower Show last year was again reappointed with power to add to their number.

Tom P. Martin.

Monday May 7th 1883

Meeting of Committee held.

Members present :- Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Penrice and Newbold.

Minutes of Meeting held in March & April were confirmed.

An application was made for the use of the Large Room for a singing practice.

It was agreed that the Building be cleaned and painted. Mr. Mark to be requested to prepare an estimate.

Tom P. Martin.

Monday June 4th 1883.

Meeting of Committee Members, present Messrs. Barnes, Potter, Penn, Banks and Penrice.

Mr. Mark not being able to prepare an estimate but promised to do the work as cheaply as possible.

Curtain Rings the Custodian required were allowed. Daniel J. Penrice.

July 2nd 1883

There being no business the general business of the Flower Show was taken up.

Tom P. Martin.

August 6th 1883

The business connected with the Flower Show was completed.

Tom P. Martin.

September 3rd 1883.

Ordinary Meeting of Committee.

Members present:- Messrs. Martin, Penn, Potter, Newbold, Banks, Penrice, Lattimer, Barnes and Newbold.

Mrs. George Moore was also present on behalf of the Trustees.

Resolved. That the following names of the original Trustees:- Rev. W.M. Gunson, Senior Fellow of Christ College, Cambridge and Baggrow, Mr. William Parkin of Braithwaite House, and Mr. Thomas Moore of Mealsgate be inserted in the Trust Deed, seeing that they each were interested in the foundation of the Memorial Hall and in whose respective places Mrs. George Moore, White Hall, Mr. John Jackson Dalton, Wigton and Mr. John Jackson Mitchell of Baggrow and Wigton.

Resolved. That the above Resolution be forwarded to J.H. Fordham, Esq.

Resolved. That the Committee do hereby recommend John J. Mitchell as Trustee in the place of Mr. Thomas Moore. Deceased.

Resolved. That the Third Annual and Ordinary Quarterly Meeting be held on Monday October 1st 1883.

Winter Lectures. The following names were submitted:- The Bishop of Carlisle, Sir Wilfred Lawson, Dr. Cranage, Rev. C.H. Gem, Mr. J. N. Hetherington, Mr. Thos. Thompson etc. Tom P. Martin

September 20th 1883

Special Meeting of the Committee.

Members present; Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Newbold and Penrice.

Business To make arrangements for electing three Members to the vacancies occasioned by the retiring of Matthew Barnes, Joseph Banks and Adam Pooley in accordance with the Trust Deed.

Resolved. That a Sheet be appended to the Notice for the Annual Meeting on Monday October 1st. on which nominations may be made up to the Evening of the Election.

That the nominations be made in accordance with Rule 8.

That any paid up Members may nominate one, two or three Members.

Tom P. Martin.

October 1st 1883

Ordinary Meeting of the Committee.

Present:- Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Penn, Lattimer, Newbold and Potter.

Resolved That the application made by the Wesleyans for the use of the Large Room for a week for Special Meetings be granted on the terms that payment be made for the lighting and fire.

The Treasurer not having provided a Statement of a/cs. for the General Meeting, Mr. Martin kindly promised to submit a statement from the Treasurers Book.

At seven o’clock the General half yearly Meeting was held, Mr. Martin in the Chair.

After the payment of Members Subscriptions the election of three Members in the place of Mr. J. Banks, Mr. M. Barnes and Mr. A. Pooley who retired according to Rule:- the following names were found on the Nomination Paper; Matthew Barnes, John Williamson, Joseph Banks, James Walker, Peter Lawson, Sanderson Jackson, Adam Pooley, Joseph Robinson and Isaac Jackson.

Each qualified Member present being supplied with nomination papers containing a full list and instruction how to mark the Papers supplied, and when collected they showed the following results:-

Peter Lawson 13 votes

Matthew Barnes 8 votes

Joseph Banks 8 votes

Sanderson Jackson 5 votes

John Williamson 4 votes

James Walker 4 votes

Isaac Jackson 4 votes

Adam Pooley 3 votes

Joseph Robinson 1 vote

Peter Lawson, Matthew Barnes and Joseph Banks were elected to fill the three vacancies on the Committee.

At the close of the General Meeting the Committee as now constituted met and elected the following officers:- J. Penn, Secretary. G. Potter, Treasurer and Peter Lawson, Librarian.

Tom P. Martin

November 5th 1883

Ordinary Meeting of Committee held.

Present. Messrs. Martin, Banks, Penn, Lawson and Lattimer.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Resolved. That the Large Room be granted for holding Saturday Evening Entertainments.

After considering the necessity of having a better light in the Vestibule Mr. Lattimer was deputed to call Mr. Fisher’s (Cockermouth) attention to a promise he previously made to present a Bracket Lamp.

Lamp Classes. The Custodian reporting that the supply of Lamp Glasses was exhausted. A fresh supply to be procured.

Tom P. Martin

Dec. 3rd 1883

Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held December 3rd 1883

Present, Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Penn, Lowther, Barnes and Newbold.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

A complaint having been made that the Staircase was very dark. Resolved. That in future a Lamp be put in the window.

Mrs. Barnes, Newlands Row having sent a message to the Committee with a request that if practicable some stabling be provided. The Committee after considering the matter deputed the Secretary to communicate with Mr. Dalton with the view of his bringing it before the Trustees.

The Committee (Sub.) appointed to arrange for an Entertainment reported that they had not been successful in procuring aid sufficient to enable them to draw up a programme. Resolved. That it be laid over for the present and that the offer of

T. Rigg, Wigton Esq. be accepted.

Resolved. That the Rev. C.H. Gem be asked to preside on the occasion of Dr. Cranage’s lecture.

Resolved. That the Quarterly Meeting be held on Friday the 21st Inst.

Tom P. Martin

December 28th 1883

The Committee prior to the holding of the Quarterly Meeting to examine the Treasures a/cs and his Report. No Report being ready a summary statement of the a/cs was read over by Mr. Martin to the Members. A fair attendance of Members was present.

The Committee decided not to meet at the ordinary time January 7th unless some special business came up in the meantime.

Tom P. Martin

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