Extracts from the Minute Book transcribed by Mick Jane
George Moore Memorial Hall
6th Feb. 1882
Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held on Monday February 6th 1882.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Banks and Barnes.
Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
Correspondence. Letters were read from Mr. Taylor, Aspatria regretting inability to deliver a lecture this season; W. Fletcher, Esq. and Mr. Norman, Hall Bank to the same purport. Mr. Russel, St. Bees. Kindly consented to deliver his lecture in February.
Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Banks seconded the motion that Mr. T.P. Martin take the Chair on Thursday July 23rd, when Mr. Russel will deliver his lecture on - "Our Coal Seams and the process by which they have been formed."
Mr. Banks made an application for the use of the Large Room for Mr. Cauther, Agent of the Evangelization Society. Permission was granted for a fortnight, but time to extend if required.
6th March 1882
Monday March 6th 1882.
Committee Meeting held. Present Messrs. Martin, Penn, Potter. Lattimer, Newbold, Banks and Barnes.
Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
The expenses connected with the Large Room was discussed but nothing definite was come to.
Quarterly Meeting. It was agreed to hold the Quarterly Meeting on Monday 27th Inst. at Seven O’clock. Mr. Martin kindly undertaking to draw up a statement of A/c in connection with Mr. Potter.
The Committee to meet at 6 O’clock the same evening.
Concert. Resolved That steps be taken by the Committee to get up a Concert.
George Newbold.
27th March 1882
Monday 27th March 1882
Meeting of the Committee held previous to the Quarterly Meeting of the Members.
Present Messrs. Newbold (in the Chair) Potter, Barnes, Penn, Pooley, Penrice, Lattimer, Mr. Martin came in later on.
Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
The Statement of A/Cs for the past year prepared to submit to the General Meeting was confirmed after examination.
Concert. The Secretary was requested to ascertain the probable expenses of the Keswick Christy Minstrels for the next Meeting.
Expenses of the Large Room. After a lengthy discussion the Custodian was called in. From the interview it turned out that some misunderstanding had arisen respecting their duties. The subject was deferred till the next Meeting to be held on the 3rd April.
Quarterly Meeting. The Committee at the request of the Members agreed to supply the Reading Room with the "Field" newspaper or magazine.
A suggestion from a half member was agreed to for 3 months. "That they be allowed to go into the Game Room till seven o’clock each Evening.
The Whitehaven Free Press to be discontinued.
Tom P. Martin.
3rd April 1882
Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held on the 3rd April 1882
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Newbold, Penn, Banks, Penrice and Barnes.
The subject of Expenses being taken up. It was agreed that an arrangement be made with the Caretakers to pay them a stated sum for all work required. They being called in it was eventually arranged that one shilling per week be paid in addition to the Rent, Coals & Lights. This additional payment to be made for all work required in connection with any Meetings held of whatever character.
7th April 1882
Special Meeting of the Committee held on Saturday Evening the 7th April 1882.
Present Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Potter, Penn, Pooley, Newbold, Banks and Barnes.
Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
Resolved. That steps be taken to hold a Flower Show in August.
The Committee in the meantime agreeing to look after there Subscriptions in support of the same.
Copy of Agreement, drawn up by the Secretary to be submitted to the Custodian before his signature is affixed was agreed to by the Committee. The Custodian agreeing to it, the Secretary was instructed to prepare a copy for execution at the next Meeting of the Committee.
Tom P. Martin.
1st May 1882
Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held on May 1st 1882.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Pooley, Penn, Latimer and Banks.
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
The Agreement between the Custodian and the Committee read and adopted. The Custodian afterwards signed it.
The Flower Show. Resolved. That the Flower Show be held on Thursday 17th August 1882, and that the sum of £20 be given in prizes.
Resolved That advertisements be inserted in the Carlisle Journal & West Cumberland Times. That Sir Wilfred Lawson be asked to be Patron President and William Fletcher, Esq. and S.P. Foster, Esq. Vive Presidents, also the Lady Lawson, Mrs. George Moore & Mrs. S.P. Foster to allow their names to appear as Patronesses.
Resolved. That Mr. Martin, Mr. Potter, Mr. Newbold and the Secretary draw up a draft Schedule to submit at the next Meeting of the committee.
Resolved. That the number of the Committee for carrying out the Flower Show be increased from the Members.
Application for the use of the Room, Resolved. That the Large Room be allowed to the Rechabites on the 10th Inst. and also for the Meeting in support of Sunday Closing, free of charge on both occasions.
Tom P. Martin.
June 30th 1882.
Committee Meeting held on Monday 30th June 1882
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Newbold, Penrice and Lattimer.
Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
The Schedule for the Flower Show as aim-ended approval by the Committee and ordered to be printed-50 copies.
Resolved. That the Large Room be allowed to the Rechabites on the occasion of their Anniversary.
Tom P. Martin.
14th July 1882
Special Meeting of the Committee held on July 14th.
Business - To complete the arrangements for the Flower Show.
Resolved. That 50 additional copies of the Schedule be obtained, and that the Committee complete the arrangements.
Tom P. Martin.
7th Aug. 1882
Committee Meeting held.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Newbold, Penn, Barnes, Lattimer and Banks.
Arrangements completed for filling up the Tables by Mr. Latttimer.
Mr. Newbold deputed to arrange for Refreshments.
Mr. Lattimer reported that he had engaged the Fletchertown Pipe & Drum Band for £2 and refreshments.
Tom P. Martin.
4th Sept. 1882
Committee Meeting held.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Newbold, Penn, Barnes, Jackson and others of the Committee for assisting in carrying out the Flower Show.
The several a/cs in connection with the same were submitted and passed.
Balance in forum of Committee £.
Resolved. That the said amount be applied for the purpose of another Show next year.
Tom P. Martin.
2nd Oct. 1882
Ordinary Meeting of Committee held on Monday 2nd October 1882.
Present Messrs. Martin, Lattimer, Potts, Penn, Penrice and Banks.
The a/cs for the past half year were submitted and passed preparedly to the halfyearly Meeting of the Members.
At 7.30 the General Meeting was held. Mr. T. P. Martin in the Chair.
Attendance of Members good.
The following suggestions from the Members was considered by the Committee that if the "Scotsman" Newspaper can be obtained by the early morning train it be obtained in place of the "Yorkshire Post"
No other alterations in the newspapers being deemed necessary. They were eventually submitted for sale.
Tom P. Martin.
20th Sept. 1882
September 20th 1882.
A special Meeting of the Subscribers was held according to advertisement in the Local Papers to meet J.H. Fordham Esq. when the Draft of Trust Deed was submitted for the approval of said Subscribers preparatory to its execution.
Mr. J.W. Ished? Was in the absence of the Chairman of the Committee called to the Chair.
6th Nov. 1882
Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held on Monday November 6th 1882.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Barnes, Penn, Banks and Lattimer.
Business: Arrangements completed in connection with Dr. Mimro’s lecture on "Life of General Garfield" on Thursday Nov. 9th.
Resolved. That the following gentleman be requested to deliver a lecture during the present season:-
J.R. Bailey, Esq. Carlisle.
Rev. J, McIlldowrie? Carlisle.
Sir Wilfred Lawson
Dr. Briggs.
Resolved. That the Lecture Hall be granted to the Band of Hope Committee for a Public Meeting about the 15th Inst.
Resolved. That the Books from the late W.M. Gunson’s L:ibrary be not allowed to go out of the Library for general reading at present.
Tom P. Martin.
4th Dec. 1882
December 4th 1882.
Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held.
Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Barnes, Penn and Lattimer.
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
It was resolved that the monthly parts of Chambers’ Journal, and Good Words be bound into yearly volumes; also that The Graphic and Illustrated London News be bound to lay in the Reading Room for the use of the Members.
Resolved. That the application made by the Sunday School Teachers to use the Large Room on New Years Day be granted.
Resolved. That the Teachers of Sunday School be allowed to use the Large Room for an hour one evening in the week previous to the Week night Meeting; also that they be allowed to use the committee Room on Sundays if required.
Resolved. That Mr. Lattimer’s a/c be submitted to the Trustees.
December 29th 1882.
Committee Meeting held previous to the ordinary Quarterly Meeting of the Members.
Present Messrs. Potter, Lattimer, Newbold, Penn, Barnes and Penrice.
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
Resolved. That the articles required by the Custodian be purchased.
The application for the Large Room to conduct Special Religious Meetings last month was discussed for some time when it was considered that as there are so many Religious Meetings held regularly the Meetings to be conducted by Miss Inman were scarcely requisite at the present time.
Tom P. Martin.
The Ordinary Meeting of Members was well attended and considerable interest manifested in the sale of papers, which realized higher prices than usual.
Tom P. Martin