Extracts from The Minute Book transcribed by Mick Jane

George Moore Memorial Hall


5th. Jan. 1880

Meeting held in Mission Room, Mealsgate, on Monday 5th. January 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Parkin, Penrice, Horn, Potter, Penn, Lattimer and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

The Sec. was instructed to ask the price of Chairs No. 78 on list, also to ascertain the probable carriage of the Chairs from London, per Mr. Hough.

 Moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by Mr. Potter.

"That Mr. Lattimer make 12 backed Forms as per contract at 2/- per foot linear and 12 plain Forms at 1/- per foot linear, wood for both Pitch Pine and varnished." Carried.

Moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by Mr. Penrice.

"That Mr. Lattimer make five Tables of the following dimensions, viz.,Three 6ft in length by 3 feet; and Two 5ft. 6ins by 3ft. Also a Table for the Platform, 3ft by 2ft. and height 2½ft. with a portable Book stand 20inches by 15 inches from the centre." Carried.

Moved by Mr. Potter and seconded by Mr. Coulthard. That the Platform be of the following dimensions; length 12ft. by 6½ft. to be made in two widths bolted with iron bolts, and supported by three wooden tressles, also that it be ascended by two flights of steps, one for each end. The height of the Platform 2ft. Carried.

Mr. Lattimer was empowered to procure a suitable Grate and Boiler for the kitchen.

Mr. Martin & the Sec. requested to select and order the Chairs.

2nd. Feb. 1880

Ordinary Meeting held in the Mission Room Monday 2nd. February 1880.

Present Messrs. Makin, Newbold, Banks, Penn, Potter and Penrice.

Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted.

Lamps. The following nos. as per Caterlogue were selected;

9 of No. 918.  1 of No. 925  1 of No. 928.

The Sec. was requested to write Mr. Lattimer and ask him to push the work now that the post had broken; also to write the Architect stating that the Committee hoped he would urge the contractor to complete the work or they feel compelled, contrary to their wish, to enforce the fine.

In compliance with a request from Mrs. Moore it was agreed to hold the next Meeting at White Hall.

23rd. Feb. 1880

Special Meeting held at White Hall, on Monday 23rd February, 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Coulthard, Banks, Penn, Potter, Lattimer, Newbold and Mr. Thomas Moore.

The following arrangements were made in reference to the opening of the Hall on Tuesday 23rd March:-

Sir Wilfred Lawson, Bart, M.P. to preside, Gentlemen to be invited:-

Samuel Morley Esq. Mr. P.W. Fletcher, Esq., M.P. Dr. Percival, Oxford, Rev. W.M. Gunson, M.A., Cambridge and Rev. H.H. Harris, Allhallows.

The following ladies to preside at the Tr??:-

Lady Lawson, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Parkin, and Mrs. Harris.

Miss Bell, Wigton to assist in the singing.

Tickets for tea and opening Meeting 9d each, and for the evening Meeting only 4d each. That 250 tickets be obtained for tea and Evening Meeting, and to be disposed of as early as possible, failing to dispose of that no. tickets to be provided for the Evening Meeting only.

Custodian. The following applications being before the Committee:- Mary Ann Hodgson, Robert Asbridge, Mrs. Hewitson, Thomas Johnston, and Thomas Allison.

Mary Ann Hodgson was proposed by Mr. Penn and seconded by Mr. Penrice.

Robert Asbridge was proposed by Mr. Potter, and seconded by Mr. R. Coulthard.

No. of votes:- Robert Asbridge 5

Mary Ann Hodgson 2

Robert Asbridge received the appointment.

Lamps Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded that the sum of £12 be spent on Lamps and glasses. Carried.

Stove Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Penn seconded, "That a Stove be fixed in the fire place nearest the Platform." Carried.

The Stove not to cost more than £6, and the selection be left to Mr. Newbold and the Secretary.

Specifications. The paving of the back yard and the Sewage together with the raising of the wall adjoining the front court, North side, be left to the Chairman, Secretary and Mr. Potter to decide on.

Application for the use of the Lecture Hall. The Chairman submitted an application from the Sunday School Com.?

Mrs Banks from the Primitive Methodist, and Mrs. Penrice from the Wesleyan Methodist.

The Secretary at the unanimous request of the Committee was authorise to offer the use of the Lecture Hall to the Revd. H.H. Harris, the Vicar of Allhallows for any Meetings he might require, and that an early reply be requested.

The consideration of the applications to be referred until after the receipt of Mr. Harris’ reply.

It was agreed to hold the next Meeting at Whitehall on Monday the 1st March.

1st March 1880

Ordinary Meeting held at White Hall, on Monday 1st March 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Banks, Penrice, Penn, Potter, Newbold, Horn and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read & confirmed.

Mr. Martin read a communication from Mr. Addison, M. & Carlisle Rail.Co. respecting the Sewage etc.

Resolved. That Mr. Martin and Mr. Potter meet Mr. Cartmel to arrange with him respecting the above.

Correspondence. Letters were read from Sir W. Lawson, W. Fletcher and Dr. Gunson each accepting the invitation of the Committee to be present and take part in the Opening of the Hall. Letters were also read from Rev. H.H. Harris and Mr. Pouton? declining to be present.

The Stove. Moved by Mr. Horn and seconded by Mr. Newbold, "That a Stove as per design submitted be obtained." Carried.

Applications for use of the Large Room for Religious Meetings. Moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by Mr. Potter, "That the Room be used for Religious Meetings on the Sunday Afternoons only."

After a lengthy conversation it was agreed that it stand over till the next Meeting. It was further agreed that the next Meeting to be held at White Hall on Monday 8th March.

8th March 1880

Special Meeting of the Committee held at White Hall on Monday 8th March 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Potter, Penn, Banks, Lattimer, Penrice and Newbold.

Resolved "That Mr. Newbold be empowered to purchase lacquered chain for Lamps" Carried.

The following items were also agreed to:-

That Mrs Moore’s suggestion of the Rev. W.M. Gunson being requested to give a brief account of the Memorial Hall at the time of the Opening.

That a ticket for admission on the day of the Opening with a Bill be forwarded to the Editor of the following papers:- Wigton Advertiser, Carlisle Journal & Patriot, W.C. Times, and each of the Whitehaven papers.

That the Custodian be asked to be present at the next Meeting.

That fires be lighted in the Hall as early as possible.

That the Custodian takes charge of the premises on the 18th Inst.

That the next Meeting be held at White Hall on the 15th Inst. At Seven o’clock.

15th March 1880

Special Meeting of the Committee at White Hall, Monday 15th March. 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Penn, Potter, Banks, Newbold, Lattimer, Coulthard and Penrice.

Minutes of last Meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That a load of coal be provided". Carried.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Custodian do not take charge of the Hall till after the 23rd. Inst. Also that the sum of 1/6d per day be paid for scouring out the Rooms etc. and the whole to be done by the 18th Inst."


Mrs. Moore having intimated to the Committee that John Adams Acton, Esq. kindly offers the Terra Cotta casting of the Bust of the late George Moore. Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Potter seconded.

"That it be accepted and that the Sec. convey the thanks of the Committee to the Donor for this very kind offer." Carried.

Mr. Lattimer moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That Mr. Horn be empowered to purchase five fenders and three sets of fire irons of Mr. Fisher, Cockermouth." Carried.

Mr. Thomas Moore kindly undertaking to have 10 loads of gravel laid in front of the Hall the Secretary is directed to write to Mr. Armstrong, Agent for F.L.B. Dykes, Esq. for permission to obtain the same from the Sea shore.

Sewage Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Potter seconded. "That the Sec. be instructed to write John Addison, Esq. M. & C. Rail: accepting the offer he makes in his letter March 11th 1880. £That an annual nominal rent of 2s/6d be paid by the Committee to the M.&C. Rail: for the privilege. Should circumstances render it necessary or desirable that the drain should be moved at any time, the Rail Co, to give one months notice to that effect." Carried.

Mr. Newbold and the Sec. to look after the cups etc. for the Tea Festival.

Mr. Lattimer was empowered to make a step ladder 6ft long.

The Committee agreed to meet on Saturday the 20th Inst.

Duties of the Committee on the day of the opening:-

Mr. Potter and Mr. Coulthard with the assistance of the Police Constable to mark the tickets as the holders pass in to tea, and also to collect the tickets at the entrance of the Lecture Hall at 6.30p.m. Mr. Horn and Mr. Newbold to supply the tables with head etc. as required.

Mr. Penrice and Mr. Lattimer to show visitors to their seats.

The President & Sec. to take general supervision of the whole work etc.

Mr. Banks to assist in preparing the water for the tea.

20th March 1880

Special Meeting held in the Memorial Hall on Saturday Evening the 20th. March 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Penn, Penrice, Lattimer, Newbold, Banks, Potter, Coulthard, The Rev. Gunson and Mr. Thomas Moore were also present.

The Minutes of the last meeting read & confirmed.

Robert Asbridge the Custodian was present by request and assented to the conditions and duties to be set forth in the agreement.

It was agreed that Mr. Parkin move and Mr. Martin second the motion calling Sir Wilfred Lawson to the Chair on the day of the Opening.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Horn seconded.

"That Mr. Penn use the Large Room for a Religious Meeting on the Thursday Evenings, and that he be requested to hold the first Meeting on Thursday 25th Inst." Carried.

Mr. Banks moved and Mr. Newbold seconded, "That the Lecture Hall be used on Sundays from ten to eleven o’clock in the morning and from 1.15 to 2.15 in the afternoon for a Sunday School." Carried.

After the motion moved by Mr. Horn "That no Religious Meeting be held in the Hall on the Sunday afternoons had been discussed, it was unanimously carried, "That Religious Meetings be allowed on the Sunday Evenings, at 6.30p.m. and that this arrangement be continued till the 29th Sept. 1880." Carried.

The Sec. was instructed to order a copy of the Daily News to be in the Reading Room on and after the 24th Inst.

The Committee having decided to open the Reading Room on that day.

24th March 1880

Special Meeting held in the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 24th March 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Potter, Newbold, Penn, Lattimer, Banks & Coulthard. Mr. Parkin and Mr. T. Moore were also present.

The Treasurer received for tickets

sold in connection with the Opening £8. 0.9

For Members Subscription 19.0

Newspapers and periodicals The Sec. was instructed to order the undermentioned papers etc.

Daily News, Newcastle Daily Chronicle, Manchester Guardian, Carlisle Journal & Patriot. West Cumberland Times, Whitehaven Free Press, Wigton Advertiser, The Graphic, Punch.

Magazines - Good Words & Chambers Journal.

Moved by Mr. Newbold seconded by Mr. Coulthard, "That a Book Case be fitted in the Library." Carried.

Mr. Lattimer proposed and Mr. Horn seconded "That the Band of Hope be allowed the use of the Large Room for their Meetings on payment of 10/- a year." Carried.

Also "That the Sunday School Committee pay 20s/- a year and the Good Templars & I.O.R.Tens? [International Order?] use the Committee Room for their Meetings for 10/- a year.

The consideration of charge for the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists using the Large Room to stand over till next Meeting.

29th March 1880

Special Meeting held on Monday Evening the 29th March 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Banks, Penn, Lattimer and Coulthard.

Application having been made by Mr. Jos. Routledge for the use of the Lecture Hall to hold a Charity Concert, the proceeds to be given to May Russel. The application granted on condition that the programme be submitted to the Committee before it be printed.

Mr. Lattimer proposed and Mr. Potter seconded "That 5s/- be charged for the use of the Room, the actual expenses to be deducted therefrom and the balance returned." Carried.

The following items were also agreed to:-

Newspapers to be sold April 6th the ordinary Meeting of the Committee being held then, The Daily papers to remain in the Room two days, Carlisle Journal to be taken out when the new copy is due, and the weekly papers to remain in a full week before they become the property of the purchaser. Mr. Lattimer was instructed to make two Notice Boards of the following Dim.: 2ft . 6ins by 1ft. 9in.

6th April 1880

Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held 6th April 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Penn, Horn, Potter, Lattimer, Newbold, Coulthard, Banks and Penrice.

A number of subscriptions of New Members being paid, the following papers were sold:-

Daily News, Mr. Martin for £2. 10

Manchester Guardian, Mr. Lattimer 2. 7

Newcastle Chronicle Mr. Reay 2. 2

Carlisle Journal Mr. Lattimer 0. 10

Carlisle Patriot Mr. Coulthard 0. 6

West Cumberland Times Mr. Dodding 0. 7

Whitehaven Free Press Mr. Potter 0. 6

Wigton Advertiser Mr. Potter 0. 4

Use of Room Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded "That the Wesleyan & Primitive Methodists be allowed to hold their Meetings in the Large Room each Sunday afternoon & Evening and six week nights during the quarter (the Committee to be informed what week night is fixed upon) for the sum of £1 per quarter or £4 yearly. Carried.

Mr. Horn fearing he might not be able to attend the Meetings of the Committee regularly he expressed a strong desire to tender his resignation as Treasurer he moved and Mr. Newbold seconded the appointment of Mr. Potter as Treasurer. Carried.

Mr. Banks moved and Mr. Penrice seconded "The acceptance of the Requisition from the householders of Fletchertown asking for the use of the Large Room for a series of Evangelistic Meetings and that a fortnight be allowed, the date required to be given to the Committee." Carried.

Book Case Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Banks seconded "That a Book Case be made with sliding doors the top or upper divisions to be glassed in front." Carried

Hour of opening and closing the Reading Room Viz. From 8.30a.m. to 9.30p.m. The Amusement Room to be open at the same time.

Liberian. Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Penn seconded "That Mr. R. Coulthard be appointed Librarian." Carried.

The Committee having decided upon expending £5 for new books the Sec. was instructed to procure the Catalogue published by the Pure Literature Society and that he request Samuel Morley Esq. to obtain a grant of Books from the above Society." Carried.

14th April 1880

Special Meeting held on Wednesday the 14th April 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Coulthard, Banks, Lattimer, Penn, Potter, Newbold, Penrice and Mr. T. Moore.

The Meeting being convened for the purpose of ascertaining the deficiency in Building A/C.

The following A/cs were submitted to the Comm.:-

Messrs Eaglesfield 42 . 10 . 0

Mr. Lattimer, Extra Work 126 . 2 . 3

Mr. Fisher Ironmonger 3 . 11 . 7

Messrs. Barnes Wigton 2 . 0 . 4

Mr. Twentyman Wigton Stone 7 . 2 . 11

£181 . 7 . 1

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Banks seconded "That Mr. Lattimer’s a/c be submitted to the Architect for confirmation or otherwise." Carried.

The programme of the Concert on the 23rd Inst. Being submitted on the motion of Mr. Potts seconded by Mr. T. Moore it was confirmed. Mr. Tiffin kindly offered to deliver a lecture on America, it was unanimously accepted and arrangements made for the delivery on Tuesday 4th May Mr. Twentyman to take the Chair.

The application for use of the Large Room on Saturday 24th April for a Free Entertainment agreed to on the motion of Mr. Newbold and seconded by Mr. R. Coulthard. Carried.

3rd May 1880

Ordinary Meeting held May 3rd 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Lattimer, Penrice, Newbold, Coulthard, Banks and Mr. T. Moore.

Mr. Lattimer kindly intimated that he would present the Book Case, he had been instructed to make if the Committee would accept of the same. The offer was unanimously accepted and the thanks of the Committee tendered.

The Custodian complaining of the kitchen chimney not drawing well during certain winds. Mr. Lattimer instructed to fire Chimney Polson at least two of the flues of each Stalk"

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Newbold seconded.

"That Mr. Lattimer provide a Chess Board 18inches square and that the Sec. procure a set of Chessmen." Carried.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Penrice seconded. That 2/- be paid by promoters of the Charity Concert and that 3/- be handed to Mrs. Russel. Carried.

The Secretary was instructed to procure folios for the Graphic and Punch; also ascertain the probable cost for binding the several Periodicals in hand.

Mr. Lattimer undertaking to supply Paraffin in the meantime and to purchase a Barrel for future use.

8th May 1880

Special Meeting held 8th of May 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Penn, Lattimer, Penrice, Banks, Potter, Newbold and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Newbold seconded.

"That the Secretary ask for tenders for binding from Mr. Coward."

The Lecture on America Mr. Potter announced that 59 tickets had been sold.

The Rules having been drawn up in a rough draft the Committee adjourned till 15th May.

15th May 1880

Adjourned Meeting May 15th 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Banks, Penn, Penrice, Potter and Newbold.

The Rules were read over consecutively, discussed and agreed to stand over for consideration of the Committee at next ordinary Meeting.

Tenders for binding. Mr. Penrice moved and the Sec. seconded. "That Mr. McMechan’s tender be accepted it being the lowest. Carried.

7th June 1880

Ordinary Meeting held 7th June 1880.

Present Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Penn, Banks, Potter, Newbold, Latimer and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

The Coal bill was submitted and passed for payment.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

That the application from Mr. Harris a coloured man for the use of the Lecture Room be granted on payment of 10/-. Carried.

Mr. Potter deputed to procure a Water Barrel and 6 Spittoons.

Mr. Lattimer authorized to make a cover for the Boiler.

The Committee having gone carefully through the Rules it was agreed to have them printed. The Secretary undertaking to have a proof copy to lay before them on the 12th June when the Committee will meet.

12th June 1880

Special Meeting held Saturday 12th June 1800.

Present Messrs. Martin, Penrice, Potter, Penn, Lattimer and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

The proof Copy of Rules was read over and confirmed.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That one hundred copies be printed in sheet form" Carried.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the names be lettered on the Doors." Carried.

Mr. Penrice moved and Mr. Banks seconded.

That the Wesleyan Methodist be allowed to use the Committee Room each Friday Evening it may not be required for any other purpose in connection with the Large Room on the payment of four pence half penny per Meeting. Carried.

Moved by Mr. Penrice and seconded by Mr. Lattimer.

"That the Large Room be used each alternate Tuesday Evening for holding a general Bible Class. The promoters of the same undertaking to recoup the Committee for any incidental expences in connection with same. Carried.

Mr. Potter moved and the Sec. seconded.

"That the best thanks of the Committee be conveyed to Mr. S. Jackson for his gift of Books." Carried.

5th July 1880

Ordinary Meeting of the Committee held on the 5th July 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Penn, Banks, Newbold, Coulthard, Penrice and Horn.

The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Application for a gallery in connection with the S.S. Anniversary.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Banks seconded. That the application be granted. Carried.

"The committee for carrying out the Entertainment in support of the Harmonium to be allowed to use the Ause? Room for singing practice." Moved by Mr. Horn, seconded by the Secretary and Carried.

Series of Lectures for the forthcoming Winter. Mr. Horn undertakes to see Revd. W.M. Gunson respecting the securing of Lecturers.

2nd Aug. 1880

Meeting held on the 2nd August 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Horn, Lattimer, Banks and Penn.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Series of Lectures Mr. Horn having nothing to communicate, no action being taken.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Sec. be instructed to arrange with the Custodian respecting the lighting of the lamps." Carried.

6th Sept. 1880

Ordinary Meeting 6th Sept. 1880

Present Messrs. Penrice, Martin, Potter and Lattimer.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Sec. purchases a suitable Minute Book." Carried.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Penrice seconded.

"That the Sec. write the Rev. W.M. Gunson and arrange with him to deliver his Lecture early in October and that he call a Special Meeting of the Committee to complete the arrangements." Carried.

Mr. Johnston’s account of 1s/4 for brushes etc. was passed and handed to the Treasurer for payment.

The sum of 4/- was handed to the Treasurer as Subscriptions handed in.

20th Sept. 1880

Special Meeting of the Committee held 20th Sept. 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Newbold, Banks, Lattimer, Horn and Coulthard.

Minutes of last Meeting read and confirmed.

A letter from the Rev. W.M. Gunson was read offering to deliver a lecture on "Books and Readers".

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That arrangements be made for the delivery of the Lecture." Carried.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Horn seconded.

"That the lecture be free." Carried.

Mr. Potter moved and Mr. Horn seconded

"That 150 hand bills be printed." Carried.

Mr. Horn was deputed to ask Sir Wilfred Lawson to take the Chair on the occasion of the lecture.

Mr. Lattimer was authorised to make and fix the Cue Rack in the Games Room, and also fix two door handles.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Miss Longman’s handsome gifts of a Bagatelle Board and Books be acknowledged in the Local Papers. Also the gift of Books from Mr. Tann? Esq." Carried.

The sum of 3/- was received by the Treasurer as Subscriptions paid in.

4th Oct.1880

Ordinary Meeting held October 4th 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Banks, Penn, Potter, Newbold, Penrice and Lattimer.

The Secretary informed the Committee that he had been instructed by Mr. W. Parkin to take steps to have the Building Insured against Fire for the sum of £750 without delay.

Mr. Potts moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Books Furniture & Fittings be insured to the amount of £150." Carried. Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Lattimer seconded.

"That the Sec. procures a Minute Book to the value of about 7/6." Carried.

The Custodian having made a complaint that a number of lads assemble outside the Hall and cause a disturbance. The Sec. was requested to write to the Policeman on the complaint.

Subscriptions paid over to the Treasurer 22s/-.

13th Oct. 1880

Special Meeting held 13th October 1880

Present Messrs. Penrice, Potter, Newbold, Penn, Horn and Lattimer.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

The Sec. read a number of communications from Gentlemen written to asking them to deliver a lecture in connection with the Winter Series.

Robert Ferguson, Esq. M.P. reply affirmative.

Sir Wilfred Lawson ,, ,,

The Lord Bishop of Carlisle ,, ,,

Rev. G. Richardson, Winchester ,, ,,

Rev. G. H. Gem ,, ,,

Dr. Smiles declined on account of ill health.

It was decided that the Bust of the late George Moore the gift of John Adams Acton be fixed in the Lecture Hall without further delay. Mr. Lattimer being entrusted with the work and to receive his instructions from Mrs. Moore.

Mr. Lattimer moved and Mr. Horn seconded.

"That a Box for Donations be procured and fixed on the Chess Room side of the Entrance Hall. The Treasurer to keep the key and to open the Box quarterly.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Newbold seconded.

That the Resolution of March 20th referring to the time for holding Religious Meetings having now transformed the two Societies holding Sunday Meetings in the Hall have the privilege of fixing their own time for Evening Service during the Winter months at least." Carried.

Subscriptions to the amount of 4/6 received by Treasurer.

5th Nov. 1880

Meeting held the 5th Nov. 1880

Present Messrs. W. Parkin Esq., Potter, Banks, Newbold, Penn and Penrice.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Penrice moved and Mr. Potter seconded.

"That Sir Wilfred Lawson be asked to take the Chair on the occasion of R. Ferguson’s and the Bishop of Carlisle’s lecture." Carried.

Mr. Highfield to be asked to preside on Nov. 15th when the Rev. C.H. Gem will deliver his lecture.

Mr. Parkin proposed and the Sec. seconded.

"That the Custodian be authorized to receive Subscriptions from Members and that he be paid a small Commission." Carried.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Banks seconded.

"That Members of the Institution be admitted by ticket to the lectures to be obtained at the Hall, and that the following note be printed on the Bills. Admission fee by ticket which may be had on application at the Hall." Carried.

Several suggestions having been made respecting the Platform, the arrangements were entrusted to the Sec. and Mr. Newbold to have carried out.

Use of the Hall. Application having been made to use the Lecture Hall on Saturday the 6th Inst.

Mr. Parkin moved and Mr. Potter seconded.

"That the application be granted." Carried.

Mr. Banks paid 5/- for the half-years Rent of the Band of Hope.

6th Dec. 1880

Meeting held on the 6th Dec. 1880

Present Messrs. Martin, Potter, Bannks, Penn, Horn, Lattimer, Newbold, Penrice, and Coulthard.

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed, with the amendment that Sir W. Lawson preside on the occasion of the Bishop of Carlisle’s lecture in January, and that Mr. E. Waugh Esq. M.P. preside at Mr. R. Ferguson’s lecture.

Application for the use of the Lecture Hall. The Miners ask for the Lecture Hall on the 7th Inst.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That the application be granted and that a charge of 3/6 be made." Carried.

Mr. Lattimer be authorised to take steps for stopping the rain getting into the roof.

The Sec. moved and Mr. Horn seconded.

"That Allhallows Colliery Co. be asked for a Daonation of Coals." Carried.

Class for Improvement. Mr. Penrice moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That an Improvement Class be opened on the Wednesday Evenings free to Members." Carried.

It was agreed that the Quarterly Meeting of the Reading Room be held on the 22nd Inst.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That the Xmas No of the Graphic be procured." Carried.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That Mr. Lattimer’s offer to lend a load of plywood be accepted." Carried.

Mr. Horn moved and Mr. Coulthard seconded.

"That arrangements be made for getting up a Concert the proceeds to be handed over to the Custodian. The date to be fixed at another time." Carried.

Mr. Newbold moved and Mr. Potter seconded.

"That the word Donation be printed on the back-ground on the Donation Box." Carried.

The Sec. informed the Committee that the Custodian had frequently applications for refreshments, the Committee unanimously agreed that the Custodian have the privilege of supplying applicants with refreshments and that the Coffee and Cocoa department be attempted for the Winter, the Custodian to take the responsibility and to receive the profits in lieu.

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