A Local Tribute

Local ‘Tribute’ to

George Moore

Mr. Morley, in moving the second resolution inviting subscriptions, observed that George Moore looked with great doubt on memorials. The greatest monument that could be erected to George Moore was, that he maintained to the last the simplicity of his character, and that any memorial should be simple and genuine like himself. All knew Mr. Moore to be a sincere, ardent and liberal supporter of the Church of England; but his generosity was not confined to that. All that he required was that his money, as he often playfully said, should have “a good turn.”

In response to a petition, a public meeting at Carlisle was presided over by Lord Muncaster, M.P., the Lord-Lieutenant of Cumberland. Sir Richard Musgrave, Lord-Lieutenant of Westmorland, the High Sheriff of Cumberland, the Bishop of Carlisle, the Members of Parliament for Carlisle and the County, and almost every person of weight and influence in the neighbourhood were present. The speakers were Sir Wilfred Lawson, Mr. Featherstonhaugh, of Staffield Hall; Mr. Stafford Howard, M.P.; the High Sheriff; the Lord Bishop; Mr. Crackanthorpe, of Newbiggin Hall; Mr. Fletcher, M.P., Canon Hoskins; Mr. Nicholson (London); Mr. Ferguson, M.P., the Chancellor Burton; Sir Henry R. Vane, and others.

At this meeting at Carlisle, the question of the memorial was discussed. Was it to be a statue, a monument, a tower, a building, an institution? No, it was to be none of these. It will be remembered that George Moore had completed a scheme for the purpose of helping the poorer boys of Cumberland to a higher education. The scheme had been arranged with the help of Dr. Percival, and only wanted Mr. Moore’s signature at the time of his death. Twelve thousand pounds had been set aside for the purpose of carrying it out. It was one of the last desires of his life to bridge over the gap between the elementary schools and the higher class schools. He had succeeded in the Commercial Travellers’ Schools; why should he not do the same on a larger scale for the Cumberland elementary schools. Death only prevented his carrying out his project. And now was the opportunity for his friends to take up his unfinished work, and carry it out to completion.

The Bishop of Carlisle clearly pointed out the necessity for such a memorial. It should be something which tended to help his poor brethren onward in the world which George Moore had just left; something that would be entirely in accordance with George Moore’s own feelings of what should be done for the poor boys and girls of Cumberland. “When we consider,” he said, “what Mr. Moore’s intention was-the last monument which he himself, as it were, intended to erect as a memorial to himself, and which he was only prevented by death from erecting-and when, as I shall now show you, the memorial has the express approbation of Mrs. Moore, I think that really we need not argue the matter any further.”

And this was the form that the memorial assumed. The subscription amounted to about £8,300. It was to be appropriated as follows: Sixteen scholarships of £5 each, tenable for two years; eight exhibitions, four for £50, and four for £40 each, tenable for four years, subject to various conditions. Such was the scheme which Mr. Moore intended to be carried out, and such was the scheme that the memorialists carried out, in conformity with his intentions. It was the proper crowning of the life and labours of a good man.

The essential recommendations of the Report were set out in a letter from the Treasurer and Secretary to the Northern Committee on Jan 10th 1877.

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