George Moore, Merchant and Philanthropist by Smiles
This book was commissioned by George Moore's widow, Agnes Breeks, after his fatal accident in Carlilse and was published a couple of years after his death. Samuel Smiles, the author, was a well known writer of the period. The book was produced in a number of editions and formats. This biography is really the definitive work and later biographical writings on George Moore are to a greater or lesser degree derivative. Following a search with ABE, I managed to acquire three copies: an edition dated 1879 with a portrait, a second edition dated 1878 in slightly larger format, rebound and with a different portrait, as well as a smaller format pocket edition dated 1891, all in reasonable condition, from UK second-hand booksellers at a modest price. Unfortunately, the bookbinder has mispelled Moore in the gold lettering on the spine of the rebound edition.