LECTURES 1860-61
In February 2008 I managed to purchase from an Antique Bookshop in London a first edition of this slim volume of LECTURES delivered in the establishment of Messrs Copestake, Moore, Crampton & Co at 5 Bow Churchyard in 1860-61. I believe this to be quite a rare find as searches on ABE reveal no other copies of this book published by Routledge, Warne & Routledge currently being offereed for sale world-wide. The British Library has two copies, one of which, I believe, is available for loan, the other for reference.
This little booklet is a piece of social history and demonstrates what paternalistic employers George Moore and his partners were. The Reverend John Rodgers (Minister of St Barnabus, Holloway) was appointed Chaplain, during the year, for the spiritual and intellectual improvement of those engaged in the Establishment at Bow Churchyard. A new Lecture Room was opened at the premises on November 2nd 1860 in order that eminent clergymen and ministers could address the workforce. A morning Service was held daily, a Bible Class for young men was held on Wednesday evenings (when business would permit) and for young ladies on Tuesday evenings, whilst a Mutual Improvement Society met on Friday evenings. A programme of lectures and addresses on various subjects took place, transcripts of three of which are included in this book namely
1. An address by the Bishop of London
2. Sobermindedness by the Rev D. Moore
3. Haunted Houses by the Rev. J. B. Owen
Other lectures delivered but not reproduced in this book included:
Italy by Rev. W. Arthur
Reminiscences of the Crimea and of Captain Hedley Vicars by C. V. Cay, Esq.
Dissolving Views by Isaac Whitwell Esq., Kendal
The Vine Dressers' Festival by Rev. Samuel Martin
Heroes of the Scottish Reformation by Rev. W. Landells
Geology by E. Wood Esq., Richmond, York